Peanut is a 2 year old male Shihtzu
Rocky is a 6 month old male hound mix.
Rusty is a senior Dachshund. He is missing some hair and is shy but is a sweetie. He gets along well with other dogs but would do best in a quiet home.
Abigail is a young mix breed dog who loves to be around people. She will need to be an only dog since she is not fond of other dogs or cats. If you are looking for a sweet only animal then you should stop in and meet Miss Abigail!
Sissy and Gromit are a very bonded pair of Chihuahua/Italian Greyhound mixes. They are 3 year old females and are a bit shy so they will do best in a quiet household. Once they warm up they are very sweet and they get along wonderful with other animals!
Barney is a 10 year old Lab that found himself at the shelter at no fault of his own. You wouldn't believe he is 10 as he has an abundance of energy. He gets along well with other dogs and loves people!
Cini Mini is a sweet older girl. She has been with us for awhile now. She gets along with some other dogs but can be a big bossy. She does not show well in her kennel so if you are interested in meeting this senior ask one of our volunteers to take her out for you.
Lyzza is an 11 month old Lab mix. She is very sweet and has a ton of energy. She gets along well with other dogs and will need an active home to keep her busy!
M'Lynn is a very sweet young Pit mix. You can tell by those eyes she is a sweetheart. She has had a roungh life but that is all changing now! She loves other dogs and she is being treated for Heartworm.
Zorra is a young red heeler. She is going to need a home familiar with the breed. She loves to bark at the cats and gets along with some other dogs. She would do best in a home without small children.
Jax is a 1 year old Boxer mix puppy. He is a very large boy and has alot of energy still.
Philly is a young Lab/Pointer mix who has spent most of his first year in a shelter. He is a very active and energetic dog and he gets along with most other dogs. He needs a home that is willing to work with him and give him the exercise he needs.
JoJo is a 6-7 year old Chihuahua who has spent her life as a breeding dog. She is a little shy and would do best with a quiet home and another doggie friend. She will need a fenced yard.
Katie is a 5 year old Lab mix. She is almost always smiling when you see her. She gets along with some other dogs. She is a very sweet girl looking for a nice comfy couch to lounge around on.
Lilly the Lovebug! She is approximately a 6 year old beauty that is patiently waiting for a home where she can be queen of the castle. Lilly needs to be in a home with a fenced yard and no small animals.... She will be sure to repay you with her amazing smile and Eskimo kisses galore!
Foxy and Jumper are a bonded pair of 8 year old girls who are looking for a quiet forever home. They are shy and need time to adjust to new surroundings!!